Could it be said that criticism such as this died out because a later generation found that “color that rages” could serve a new and much needed expressive purpose?
Intensely technical instruction. Clear at a very specific anatomical level. I wonder about that phrase, "color that rages" - I would love to have seen the example. We have a hundred years of leaping into wild color and strong expressive methods, and I kinda like that. So, maybe our current body of instructors and mentors would not have objected to this approach. It seems the younger the person, the more bright colors appeal to them. And, conversely, the older we get it seems that our color choices become more muted. I have no idea if this is cultural or physical changes in the body. It is interesting to think about, though. Maybe our cones and rods tucker out.
Could it be said that criticism such as this died out because a later generation found that “color that rages” could serve a new and much needed expressive purpose?
Thank you : Can you give me an example of breaking the line please
Thank you
Gerome was all about smooth, gradual transitions, so I'm guessing he saw a certain jagggedness that he didn't like.
Intensely technical instruction. Clear at a very specific anatomical level. I wonder about that phrase, "color that rages" - I would love to have seen the example. We have a hundred years of leaping into wild color and strong expressive methods, and I kinda like that. So, maybe our current body of instructors and mentors would not have objected to this approach. It seems the younger the person, the more bright colors appeal to them. And, conversely, the older we get it seems that our color choices become more muted. I have no idea if this is cultural or physical changes in the body. It is interesting to think about, though. Maybe our cones and rods tucker out.
These are top-rate quips. They have those funny compendiums of Shakespearean insults. Maybe we need one of classic art school burns 🤣
I miss the banter and unrestrained criticism of art school