Would that all criticism could be met with such style and grace.

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This reminds me of a personal story.

In junior high school we were having the gymnastics unit in gym class, and I was standing in front of the pegboard by myself. A classmate that I didn't especially like was just sitting nearby on the folded-up bleachers gainst the wall, staring and sulking.

The most basic pegboard skill was to be able to go side to side, and after that you could try going up and down. The biggest challenge was to go "around the world." I was having trouble gripping the pegs at all, let alone moving them, and I muttered to myself, "how are you supposed to do this?" The unlikable classmate heard me and made this unsolicited, sarcastic remark: "It's called strength!"

I turned to face him for one furious moment... I was so angry! Facing the board again, I jumped up, grabbed both pegs, and went across, up, over the top, and back down in one go, navigating through all sixteen holes- "around the world." He was quiet then, and I felt pretty good about myself!

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Anger gives a spurt of adrenaline which increases strength and endurance: the ability to fight or flee. This is how a 120 pound woman can lift a car off of someone she loves. Fear is the precursor to anger, therefore, the stronger emotion. So interesting is the way we are designed as spiritual beings wearing a very sophisticated meat suit. ☮️❤️🙏

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We could all learn from that story!

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He’s a really blessed man to have his portrait by the master Norman Rockwell himself.

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Wonderful example of how to handle a situation. I wished I had known that 50 years ago. Who knows how that could have changed a life, Thanks for sharing.

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that's a special talent! love this story 'bout one of my favorite painters ❤️

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